quarta-feira, dezembro 24, 2008

Informação Sobre o Aborto

Alguma da informação que não é revelada ao público em relação ao aborto vai ser aludida neste post.


1. Estudos revelam que o aborto torna a mulher mais susceptível a doenças mentais.

"The research team found induced abortions result in increased risks for a myriad of mental health problems ranging from anxiety to depression to substance abuse disorders."
2. O aborto é a principal causa de morte em Espanha.
"Abortion is now the number one cause of death in Spain, and represents the most common type of violence against women in the formerly Catholic country, according to a new report by the international Institute for Family Policy (IPF)."

3. Na Russia, 64% das gestações terminam em aborto.
"O St. Petersburg Times relatou que, com 64% das mulheres russas recorrendo a abortos, de 200 mil a 250 mil destas por ano são despojados de suas capacidades biológicas de procriar devido a efeitos permanentes a partir do procedimento."
4. A fundadora da maior organização aborcionista dos EUA (Margaret Sanger) era uma racista eugenicista, e a Planned Parenthood, organização por ela fundada, segue os seus desejos de "exterminar a america negra".
"In 1939, Sanger and her organization launched the Negro Project. Through this project, Sanger sought to convert her philosophical views into social policy. The Negro Project was designed to build clinics in poor black communities so birth control would be made available to keep down the rising black population.

To justify this initiative, Sanger explained, "the poorer areas, particularly in the South … are producing alarmingly more than their share of future generations." According to Sanger, birth control would "ease the financial load of caring for with public funds...children destined to become a burden to themselves, to their family, and ultimately to the nation."

Este site revela os seguintes dados:
* 94% of all abortion clinics in this country are located in metropolitan areas;

* Although Black America accounts for only 13% of our current population, nearly 36% of all abortions are performed on African Americans;

* Each day in America, over 1200 African American preborn babies are lost to abortion;

* In numerous cities across America, there are a greater number of abortions than live births among African American women;

* Abortion is the number one cause of death among African Americans surpassing all other causes combined.

5. Pessoas que foram concebidas depois de um abuso sexual têm vidas normais.

6. Aborto causa morte de adolescente.

7. Mulher suicida-se depois de aborto.
"An artist killed herself after aborting her twins when she was eight weeks pregnant, leaving a note saying: "I should never have had an abortion. I see now I would have been a good mum."

Emma Beck was found hanging at her home in Helston, Cornwall, on Feb 1 2007. She was declared dead early the following day - her 31st birthday.

Her suicide note read: "I told everyone I didn't want to do it, even at the hospital. I was frightened, now it is too late. I died when my babies died. I want to be with my babies: they need me, no-one else does."

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